Saturday, September 15, 2007


“Student Voices: College Green has served as a forum for the voices of Ohio University’s Students throughout its history. Whether supporting civil rights, advocating for the abolishment of women’s curfews, or in protest, students have and will continue to play a vital role in shaping Ohio University”. Interestingly enough, this plaque lies on the walkway a few feet from the very same War Memorial that has been at the center of this controversy.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Free Speech Zones on College Green

College Green used to be an open forum. The current zoning policy limits group interactions to the yellow 'zones'.

Free Speech Zones at OU

There are 22 such 'zones' located across the Athens campus.

Memory and Place

The Class of 2005 dedicated plaques to celebrate the College Green. They certainly contribute to give any passersby a sense of the place that is College Green.